Onboarding With STEPS:Helping New Employees to Thrive


The STEPS model provides a simple, yet highly effective onboarding framework to support and monitor the progress of new employees during their probation period. This framework complements your organization’s existing processes and ensures a smooth transition for new hires.

What Is the STEPS Onboarding Framework?

STEPS stands for:

  • Settle
  • Test
  • Evaluate
  • Progress
  • Succeed

It’s designed to help managers and HR professionals onboard employees by assessing their comfort, fit, and growth within the organization.

How to Use the STEPS Onboarding Framework

Despite the acronym, STEPS is not a linear process. Most parts occur simultaneously, offering a comprehensive view of how new hires are adapting.

1. Settle

Help new employees feel welcome and integrated by:

  • Providing essential information through the induction process.
  • Forming connections with team members and key stakeholders.
  • Introducing them to the organization’s mission, vision, and values.

Tip: Allow time for settling in, while also engaging them with valuable, low-pressure tasks.

2. Test

Evaluate whether the new employee and role are a good fit. This phase involves:

  • Regular check-ins (after one week, one month, etc.) to compare expectations and experiences.
  • Open discussions about tasks, motivation, and culture.

Tip: Early identification of a mismatch can help you address concerns before they escalate.

3. Evaluate

This stage involves formal and informal evaluations:

  • One-on-ones and performance reviews.
  • Feedback on their job skills, attitude, teamwork, and communication.

Tip: Evaluation should include feedback from peers and establish clear criteria for success.

4. Progress

Monitor improvement and provide praise for:

  • Increased responsibilities and workload management.
  • Relationship building and collaboration across the organization.

Tip: Subtle improvements in confidence, initiative, and responsiveness are also signs of progress.

5. Succeed

Ultimately, the STEPS framework leads to success when:

  • The employee is productive, happy, and engaged.
  • They have built necessary networks, gained industry knowledge, and set career goals.

Tip: Continued support beyond the probation period ensures long-term success and growth.

Key Points

The STEPS framework offers a structured onboarding process with the following stages:

  1. Settle – help employees get comfortable.
  2. Test – assess the “fit” between employee and organization.
  3. Evaluate – provide feedback on performance.
  4. Progress – recognize improvement and growth.
  5. Succeed – support ongoing success and development.
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