Leading the Followers: The Concept of Followership and What Makes a Good Follower

While much of management literature focuses on leadership, followership is an equally important part of organizational success. Leaders are nothing without followers, and this article explores what makes a good follower, what followers seek from leaders, and how organizations can promote effective followership.

The Concept of Followership

  • Definition: Followership refers to the actions of individuals who support and collaborate with leaders to achieve organizational goals.
  • Leader-Follower Relationship: Leadership is a dynamic relationship where followers actively contribute by thinking for themselves, offering feedback, and taking the initiative.
  • Types of Followers (According to Kelley):
    1. Committed Followers: Primarily focused on their role as a team member, contributing to organizational goals.
    2. Situational Followers: Willing to lead when necessary but happy to follow in other situations.

Qualities of Effective Followers (According to Kelley)

  1. Good Self-Managers:
    • Effective followers work independently, using their initiative, and require minimal supervision.
    • They challenge leadership when necessary but understand the overall needs of the organization.
  2. Committed to a Greater Good:
    • They are dedicated to causes or goals beyond their own self-interest.
    • While their commitment boosts morale, leaders must ensure that followersā€™ goals align with organizational objectives.
  3. Competent and Focused:
    • Effective followers maintain high performance standards, pursue professional development, and seek additional responsibilities.
    • They prioritize completing core tasks and delegate when necessary.
  4. Courageous, Honest, and Credible:
    • Known for their ethical standards, they often serve as a moral compass in the organization.
    • Leaders and colleagues respect them for their knowledge and judgment.

What Followers Want from Leaders (According to Goffee and Jones)

  1. Authenticity:
    • Followers value leaders who are genuine and show their human side, not just a managerial persona.
  2. Significance:
    • Followers seek leaders who make them feel that their contributions matter, fostering loyalty and support.
  3. Community:
    • Effective leaders create a sense of shared purpose and camaraderie among team members.
  4. Excitement:
    • Followers want to feel energized and inspired by their leaders, creating a buzz and engagement in their work.

Promoting Effective Followership

  1. A Shared Philosophy:
    • Leadership success depends on the interaction between leaders and followers, and organizations should promote this understanding.
  2. Training:
    • Provide training on followership for all employees and managers to enhance understanding and effectiveness.
  3. Incorporate Followership into Reviews:
    • Recognize and reward effective followership as part of performance evaluations.


Effective followership plays a critical role in leadership success. Followers complement their leaders by using their initiative, thinking critically, and contributing their strengths to the organization. Organizations that recognize the importance of followership and foster its development will create a more collaborative, productive, and successful workplace.

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